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Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Group (CANES) Activity Report and Budget—Fall 2021

Submitted by Anonymous on 29 September 2022
Activity Report
Activity Report
Date Times Description Funding/Sponsor
Budget for Upcoming Semester
Categories: Category Total Description of Expenditures
Advertising & Promotion
Films/Film Rental
Printing & Postage

The name of this organization shall be the Classical and Ancient Near East Studies Group. Article II Purpose It shall be the purpose of this organization to expand opportunities at the Graduate Center for the study of classical and ancient near eastern civilizations and for the social, cultural, academic, and professional interaction and development of students in these fields. Article III Aims and Goals In pursuit of the stated purpose, the organization will sponsor or participate in a variety of activities, including but not limited to regular meetings, special events, and annual graduate student conferences. Article IV Membership The organization shall have at least twenty (20) members, who are matriculated students at the Graduate Center. The members shall include students registered in at least three (3) different programs at the Graduate Center. Membership shall be open to any student (including non-matriculated students) at the Graduate Center. Voting membership shall be restricted to matriculated students at the Graduate Center. The organization shall extend non-voting membership to the following classes of members: i. alumni of the Graduate Center ii. matriculated graduate students at all colleges of the City University of New York; iii. non-matriculated graduate students at all colleges of the City University of New York; iv. matriculated undergraduate students at all colleges of the City University of New York; v. members of the faculty of all colleges of the City University of New York; vi. members of the staff with faculty status at all colleges of the City University of New York vii. members of the staff at all colleges of the City University of New York. Article V Decision Making Structure The organization shall have an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer elected annually by the voting membership from among the voting membership. There shall be one designated contact person who is responsible for communication between the organization and the DSC. The organization shall establish committees as necessary to organize events and activities and pursue other initiatives that advance the organization’s stated purpose. Decisions shall be made in accordance with parliamentary procedure. Article VI Amendments The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds plurality of voting members polled in a ballot. Article VII Operating Procedures, By-laws, and Standing Rules The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the organization’s day-to-day operations and will develop operating procedures, by-laws, and standing rules as required for the orderly conduct of the organization’s business and the pursuit of the organization’s stated purpose. By-laws shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of voting members present at a meeting with a quorum or by a two-thirds plurality of voting members polled in a ballot. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting membership of the organization. The Executive Committee shall develop procedures for elections and ballots. Article VIII Meetings Regular meetings of the organization shall occur at least once per semester or more frequently as decided by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for notifying members of regular meetings via email. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used to govern meetings. Article IX Roster The organization shall submit a signature roster to the DSC Co-Chair for Student Affairs each semester. The roster shall include the signatures, printed or typed names, phone numbers, and email addresses of all members, as well as the programs in which they are registered. From the first twenty (20) names on the roster, no more than ten (10) names may come from the same department and a minimum of three departments must be represented. Article X Funding As an active chartered organization, the organization shall be eligible for an allocation of three hundred dollars ($300.00) from the DSC each semester. The organization shall make reasonable efforts to seek funding from other sources. Article XI Activities Report The organizations shall submit an activity report to the DSC Co-Chair for Business at the end of each year. These reports shall include a list of events and meetings held and the disposition of the organization’s $250 allocation. Article XII Submission of Current Constitution Every year the Executive Committee shall submit to the DSC a copy of the organization’s current constitution, signed by the officers within six weeks of the beginning of the fall semester. Classical and Ancient Near East Studies Group ROSTER NOTE: The organization must have at least twenty (20) members who are matriculated students at the Graduate Center. From the first twenty (20) names on the roster, no more than ten (10) names may come from the same department and a minimum of three departments must be represented. Signature Name Phone Email Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Officers Contact Information
Officer Name Email
The Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Group (CANES) promotes the study of the Greek, Roman, and Mediterranean world in antiquity.