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Critical Palestine Studies Association Activity Report and Budget—Fall 2021

Submitted by Anonymous on 29 September 2022


Activity Report
Activity Report
Date Times Description Funding/Sponsor
Budget for Upcoming Semester
Categories: Category Total Description of Expenditures
Advertising & Promotion
Films/Film Rental
Printing & Postage

Article I. Name §1. The name of this chartered organization shall be the Critical Palestine Studies Association (CPSA). §2. The use of the word “critical” indicates CPSA’s commitment to the highest standards of rigorous and independent scholarship. Article II. Purpose §1. The purpose of CPSA shall be to provide the CUNY Graduate Center with a dedicated interdisciplinary forum for research, dialogue, and networking related to scholarly and professional pursuits on Palestine and Palestinian culture. §2. Pursuant to §1, CPSA aims to bring together students and faculty from diverse backgrounds by sponsoring and organizing collaborative events. §3. In addition to—and as an extension of—its scholarly commitments, CPSA shall work for peace in the Middle East by engaging in forms of activism, advocacy and educational endeavors. §4. CPSA is strongly committed to the principle of academic freedom and opposes all attempts to undermine this most basic of intellectual liberties. Article III. Membership §1. CPSA membership shall extend to both matriculated and non-matriculated students at the CUNY Graduate Center who indicate a desire to assume the privileges and responsibilities involved. §2. Membership and participation in other chartered organizations at the CUNY Graduate Center shall not negatively impact membership in CPSA and the rights/responsibilities associated therewith. Article IV. Officers §1. CPSA members shall elect two co-chairs each semester. §2. CPSA administrative responsibilities/duties shall be divided equally between the two co-chairs. §3. Official responsibilities/duties may be delegated to other members on an ad hoc basis. §4. There are no term limits, but co-chairs may be recalled from office by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. §5. A proposed recall shall be discussed and voted on at the meeting in which it is introduced after it has been seconded by at least four members present. Co-chairs are recallable as officeholders on an individual basis by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a meeting at which at least one-third (1/3) quorum is present. Article V. Elections §1. Regular elections shall be held at the first scheduled meeting of each semester, the results of which will be announced and implemented immediately. §2. All members are eligible to cast one vote in CPSA elections. §3. Only matriculated members are eligible to run for office. §4. Offices shall be won by a simple plurality of votes. §5. Voting or running for office in absentia shall not be permitted, barring extraordinary circumstances. §6. If either of the co-chairs resigns from office, an election must be held at the next scheduled meeting to fill the position. Article VI. Meetings §1. A minimum of two meetings shall be held each semester. §2. A schedule shall be agreed upon by a simple majority vote during the first meeting of each semester. §3. Additional meetings may be added by a simple majority vote at any scheduled meeting. Article VIII. Amendments §1. Amendments to this constitution may be introduced by any member, matriculated or otherwise, during a scheduled meeting. §2. All amendment proposals will be debated and voted upon at the next scheduled meeting following their introduction. §3. Members must be informed of any proposed amendment at least 15 days in advance of the meeting in which the vote will occur. §2. Ratification requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a meeting at which one-third (1/3) quorum is present.

Officers Contact Information
Officer Name Email
CPSA offers an interdisciplinary forum for events, research and networking related to scholarly pursuits on Palestine, Palestinians, and Palestinian culture—both in Palestine as well as in Palestinian community around the globe.