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Students of the State (SOS) Activity Report and Budget—Fall 2021

Submitted by Anonymous on 29 September 2022

We did not hold any events in the fall that require reimbursements.

Chartered Organization
Activity Report
Activity Report
Date Times Description Funding/Sponsor
Budget for Upcoming Semester
Categories: Category Total Description of Expenditures
Advertising & Promotion
Films/Film Rental
Printing & Postage

Constitution: Article I: Name a) The name of this organization is Students of the State. b) The organization’s acronym is SOS. c) SOS may be pronounced alternatively “S – O – S” or “sauce.” Article II: Purpose a) Provide the GC community with an inter-disciplinary forum for research into and discussion of the origins, nature, development and future of the state. b) Bring together students and faculty from various programs including, but not limited to, Political Science, Sociology, History, Philosophy, and Anthropology. Article III: Activities a) SOS will hold a monthly reading group, literature to be chosen at the beginning of the semester by members in good standing. b) SOS will hold occasional film screenings, faculty-led talks/discussions/workshops, and student conferences. c) Once per semester, SOS will hold an informal social networking event to include students from outside of the GC community who study the state. Article IV: Membership a) Membership shall be comprised of students and alumni from the GC who are willing to assume the privileges and responsibilities of membership. b) Each member in good standing who is also a matriculated student may hold any office in the organization. c) Each member in good standing holds one vote. d) In order to maintain good standing, a member must have attended at least half of the meetings and events of the association during the present semester. e) Non-GC students/alumni (including GC faculty) may not become voting members, but are encouraged to participate in all SOS meetings and events. Article V: Officers and Duties a) SOS officers shall consist of two co-chairs, equally sharing all responsibilities and duties. b) Elections for all offices shall be held at the second meeting of each semester. c) The Co-Chairs will serve as the official liaisons to the Doctoral Students’ Council and be responsible for maintaining required membership as well as submitting up-to-date constitutions, activity reports, and group status changes to the DSC Co-Chair for Student Affairs. They will also coordinate group activities, sustain the group's online presence, and apply for funding as needed. d) Co-chairs may be removed from office at any time by a 2/3 majority vote of the members in good standing. Article VI: Amendments to the Constitution a) Any member in good standing may propose an amendment to the constitution. b) Amendments must be ratified by 2/3 majority vote by members in good standing. Description: An interdisciplinary network of graduate students who study “the state,” broadly understood.

Officers Contact Information
Officer Name Email