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Mesomerican Studies Group Activity Report and Budget—Spring 2022

Submitted by Anonymous on 29 September 2022
Chartered Organization
Activity Report
Activity Report
Date Times Description Funding/Sponsor
Budget for Upcoming Semester
Categories: Category Total Description of Expenditures
Advertising & Promotion
Films/Film Rental
Printing & Postage

The Mesoamerican Studies Group (MSG) aims to open a creative space for dialogue and multilateral relationships between various academic fields and communities outside academia. As a multidisciplinary and transversal organization born among GC members from diverse backgrounds, we will actively re-think and question the concept of Mesoamerica. Mesoamerica has historically and anthropologically been defined as the geographic area encompassing Central Mexico to Honduras and Nicaragua in which pre-Columbian civilizations flourished. From a broader contemporary perspective, the region also includes Costa Rica and Panama. The MSG’s goal is to challenge the epistemological hegemony and open space for the inclusion of diverse voices. We aim to foster a global network of relationships that allows us to transcend the specificity of the concept Mesoamerica and negotiate it from a holistic point of view. The way we envision this is by creating a space for professional development; for example, by hosting a series of virtual encounters with scholars and people outside academic contexts, to discuss topics of common interest. The second main goal of MSG is to open up academia to the larger public, engaging in open dialogue with diverse communities
in New York City to construct collaborative research that stretches the boundaries of Latin American studies. We want to create platforms for projects and workshops collaborations, thus including and learning from commonly silenced or underrepresented spaces and voices. The organization will have two co-chairs elected by direct vote and with the approval of all the members. The co-chairs will rotate every semester. Memberships will be extended to those committed to joining the group and working collaboratively.

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